Dear friends
I am delighted to begin Let’s Take a Walk…I Need You, a two month event starting today, The International Day of Peace. Presented with the support of The Lower Manhattan Cultural counsil & New York City Department of Cultural Affairs and Chashama
You can join in at the actual locations or from anywhere in the world via Twitter. Follow @mcayer
Schedule of Performances
From September 21st to the 29th – Knitting… I Need You taking place at the three selected locations at various time. (if interested in finding me I will tweet details on each specific days at @mcayer)
Friday October 2nd – The International Day of Non Violence Let’s Take a Walk #35 The Twitter guided walk begins at 6.30pm at Union Sq by the Mahatma Gandhi Sculpture You can join in at the actual location or from anywhere in the world via Twitter. Follow @mcayer, note that although this is where I will conduct the walk, there will be two additional starting point planed for this event, The imagine mosaic in Strawberry Field and The United Nation marking the arrival point of the 1967 Anti War demonstration lead by Martin Luther King
The walk lasts 20 minutes.
October 3rd and 4th – Schlepping & Displaying will be take place throughout the afternoon in the three for mentioned location (if interested in finding me I will tweet details on each specific days at @mcayer)
November 10th to 15th An exhibition presented at Chashama Gallery 266 West 37th Street Opening night and Performance will take place on 11/11 from 6 to 8pm
I hope you are able to join any or all of the events. To see previous LTAW’s visit the Let’s take a Walk Blog
To learn more, please continue reading:
LTAW…I Need You merges two ongoing projects, Let’s Take a Walk and Knitting… I Need You. It combines performance and installation elements, using methods of connecting from the old world (knitting together, going on a walk) and the new (Twitter) to open dialogue about social and world issues.
The piece is made up of three components:
1. Knitting … I Need You 2. Let’s Take a Walk #34 3. Schlepping & Displaying
1. Knitting… I Need You – Creates pockets of close moments and connections. I teach knitting lessons, engaging with the participants – telling stories, exchanging ideas. All are actively involved and become co-creators. Together we will create elements to make an over dress I’ll wear during LTAW#35.
2. Let’s Take a Walk #35 – We are a cast of four, and will lead followers on a walk and Tweet instructions to Twitter followers around the globe. Participants will receive instructions and share our journey. Passersby’s are encouraged to join in. Connection, conversation and storytelling fill the moments we share. Whether on Bedford Avenue or anywhere around the world, we are walking together, apart. The knit elements unravel, leaving traces.
3. Schlepping & Displaying – Addresses the physical remains (knit elements) from the walk. Some of the knitting’s will linger along the path of the walk, a mapped echo of our shared experience. Other remains of the performance will be displayed at the Swiss Section and through the festival area.
4. Exhibition at Chashama Gallery – Will include remains of LTAW #35 and previous walks as well as a performance “Knitting…I Need You” and more.
Looking forward to sharing this journey with you.
Marie Christine
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