Let’s Take a (Virtual. Twitter & Instagram live, Guided) Walk #44                                     
During this time of social distancing, we will be walking separately but sharing a journey from anywhere in the world, whether indoors or outdoors  Let’s Take a (Virtual, Twitter Guided) Walk #44 on Saturday, May 30 at 12 noon EST via @mcayer or follow via a live feed on Instagram. Feel free to send photos and videos of your walk to add to my ever-growing installation.
How it works: From NYC, I will guide you via ‪@mcayer on Twitter. For LTAW #44, the focus will be peace and healing. Prompting dialogues and positive changes. Together, though apart, we’ll create a similar footprint on different soil, #walkingtogetherapart. 
How to join:  Follow ‪@mcayer on Twitter to receive guiding tweets. Please take photos and videos of your walk and send them to me via Twitter or email. Adding to the ever-growing installation.  
History: So far, there have been 43 Twitter guided walks starting in 2009 LTAW each is a shared moment—a step towards peace and collective wellbeing. 
From near or far, I hope to share a journey with you. 
Thank you for your attention and support 
Wishing you health, patience, and wonderful discoveries.