Let’s Take a Walk #57
I am delighted to announce that I will conduct, Let’s Take a Walk #57, a participatory performance as part of the Marmalade Festival in Oxford, England, on April 12th at 2 pm (GMT
Let’s Take a Walk brings people to share a moment, a step toward peace. Participants from anywhere in the world join us via Twitter @mcayer and Instagram @letstakeawalk_world, #walkingtogetherapart. On-site, a Town Crier, Tweet Master, and Drummer assist me. Addressing topic(s) related to the walk, prompting dialogue, and inviting audience participation. As we journey, the knitted overskirt I wear, created days before each walk with passerby, unravels, leaving traces. Performance time 30 minutes. So far, there have been 56 walks. See http://letstakeawalkmc.blogspot.com.
Prior to the performance, I work with passersby, knitting and sharing stories, posing questions directly related to the theme of the performance. Shlepping & Displaying consisted of displaying the unraveled dress over the few days following the walk.
As part of the project, I maintain a blog http://letstakeawalkmc.blogspot.com
My Favorite Grandmother
In addition, I had the chance to attend the exhibition of Oana Maria Cajal’s Shattered: Symbolic Gesture, presented by the Romanian Cultural Institute. That evening I approached two participating poets, Vera Sirota and Claudia Serea and Oana, asking if I could include their poems and images in my blog, My Favorite Grandmother. I am delighted to add a lovely story from my friend Wendy Wasdahl’s grandmother, Ida.
If you have a chance, please visit the last two entries to see the result of this conversation.
Finally, I look forward to presenting #DancingAlonewithmyShadow performance at the En Transito exhibition curated by Clemencia Labin in San Antoni de Portmany Ibiza from April 27th to 30th.
Thank you for your time and participation.
Best wishes.
Marie Christine
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